Endodontia este parte integranta a medicinei dentare, asadar nu cosmetica, nu salon de infrumusetare. Medicina, ne place sau nu, nu se bazeaza pe comercializarea unor concepte, instrumente sau materiale.

Endodontia este o stiinta complexa, care inclusiv la ora actuala prezinta foarte multe necunoscute. Complexitatea “necunoscutului” poate – si trebuie – sa fie explicata intr-un mod clar, direct, concis.

Graba si setea de cunoastere a practicienilor trebuie sa fie temperate in asa fel incat acestia sa nu ajunga sa adopte “solutii” sau “retete de tratament”, inainte ca acestea intr-adevar sa se fi dovedit a fi reale solutii.

Medicii dentisti trebuie sa ajunga la nivelul la care sa poata aprecia necesitatea si calitatea unei surse independente de informatie. Este foarte important sa se constientizeze separatia interesului comerical de stiinta adevarata. Medicii dentisti trebuie in prezent sa stie de la cine si in ce mod isi culeg informatiile si care sunt interesele declarate sau mai putin declarate ale acestor surse de informatie.

Motivat de toate aceste considerente, am decis in anul 2014 lansarea platformei de educatie medicala post-universitara RCC ENDODONTICS. Direct de la medici specialisti endodonti, fara sponsorizari de la firme comerciale. Clar, simplu, onest.

Endodontology is a speciality within the dental medicine field. Either we like it or not, medicine cannot be  based on commercial influence while trying to sell instruments, materials, devices.

Endodontology is a complex science which even today faces a lot of unknown and uncertain aspects. The complexity of uncertainty can and should be explained and shared in a very clear, direct and concise way.

The speed of today’s way of living added to the urgent need of information of the dental practitioners can result in undesired outcomes, when people are adopting „solutions” or „treatment cookbooks”, before those have been actually tested and validated as true.

Dental practitioners should have already reached the level when they are able to distinguish and praise the quality of independent sources of information. It is extremely important that our profession will manage to distinguish between commercial interests and the medical science. Dental practitioners should be able to  know where do they get their continuous education from, and which are the real interests of those information sources.

Being motivated from this reality, I decided in the spring of 2014 to start up the independent educational platform in Endodontology, RCC ENDODONTICS. Directly from specialists in Endodontology, without sponsorship from commercial companies. Clear, simple, honest and concise. And even more, useful.
